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Welcome Parents! We are so priviledged to teach and care for your students everyday.  Please review the following policies to help us ensure that your scholars are successful everyday they are at Sanders-Clyde. We thank you for your partnership in their education!


Attendance Policy

Regular attendance is essential to a student’s success in school and is required by South Carolina law. Ten or more unexcused
absences may result in your child being retained in the same grade . A note from the parent concerning each absence is required within three days or it will result in an unexcused absence. When visiting a doctor, make sure you get a doctor’s excuse. After five tardies and/or three absences without excuses, parents will be notified to attend a truancy conference at school to create a plan to improve tardiness and/or absences. If the problem continues, the parent will be requested to meet with CCSD’s Truancy Officer. Students are recognized weekly, monthly, and quarterly for perfect attendance. Parents are recognized as “Perfect Parents” their child receives an award for coming to school each day for each semester. Parents will receive certificates and are invited to lunch with the principal and their child.


Uniform Policy

All students are expected to wear the required school uniform. Uniforms MUST be worn every day, except Tag Day or special events. Please help your child get off to a good start by making sure he/she is dressed for success. Students must wear uniforms during the last week of school to avoid problems and disruptions. The following articles of clothing are considered as Sanders Clyde uniform:

Pants/Jumpers/Skirts/Shorts- navy blue or khaki in color. If there are belt loops, a belt must be worn. If shorts, jumpers, or shirts are worn it must be knee length.
Shirts/Blouses- white, green, navy blue, light blue, red, pink, yellow; Shirts must have a collar.
Sweaters- white or navy blue. Overcoats will not be allowed to be worn in the classroom.
Socks/Shoes-white, blue, black, or brown. (No flip flops, clogs, or slip-ons permitted)
Hair- If a student chooses to wear braids it must be neat and completely braided.
Jewelry- Necklaces with medallions and/or excessive jewelry are not permitted.