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Creative Arts Integration

Engaging Creative Minds

Sanders-Clyde Creative Arts Elementary

We are a creative arts themed school. It is our goal to provide scholars with opportunities to explore and engage in a well rounded variety of arts.  We work with an organization, Engaging Creative Minds, to help implement this throughout the school during classroom instructional time and student exploritory blocks.


Creative Arts Exploritory Opportunities We've Offered:

African Drumming



Instrumental Music



Visual Artistry

Team Sports


Engaging Creative Minds

Power-On Your Imagination

Engaging Creative Minds (ECM) mission is to spark creativity and curiosity in all learners through innovative learning experiences.

ECM is an Arts Integration educational nonprofit based in Charleston, South Carolina. We work with school districts, principals, teachers and the local workforce to identify specific knowledge and skill sets all students should master before graduating high school. We hire and train local artists, STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) professionals and cultural organizations, called ECM Instructors, to work with grade level teams of teachers to support learning through the Arts. Our goal is for every student to achieve academically, stay engaged in school and succeed in life while their teachers develop engaging Arts Integration teaching strategies that foster collaboration, critical thinking, communication & creativity. Both teachers and students report that ECM is a powerful model of success.